novità in rubriche – focus
Le ferrovie e la città contemporanea
Railways and the contemporary city
José Pedro Tenreiro
This study addresses the relationship between the contemporary city and rail passenger transport, following the appearance of the infrastructures for high-speed connections. Considering the evolution of rail transport since the end of World War II and especially since the 1970s, a distinction will be made between three different urban phenomena that may occur separately or simultaneously:
1 – the renovation of the Central Stations;
2 – the creation of new Central Stations associated with new urban ensembles;
3 – The emergence of new networks of urban passenger transport (whether sub-urban trains, metro or tram) and the construction of new infrastructures to train in urban territory densely urbanized.
Some examples will be referred to where the different phenomena are especially prominent for its technical and urban importance, aiming to understand how it blends a rail with its urban surroundings and how this can be a catalyst for renewal, upgrading and expansion of cities.
José Pedro Tenreiro: Architetto, laureato presso la Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università di Porto